Sunday, August 31, 2008

Darn. (Gmod)

Garry's Mod has a virus. I've been playing Team Fortress 2 lately, but found myself wanting to go online with GMod today. I usually read the latest posts in some forums on Facepunch, so at least I found out about it before I could get it. There's an antidote out, but I'm going to wait for Garry to update it before I go online again.

Monday, August 25, 2008


You know, for having not posted for a month, my hit counter sure is high. I guess google seems to like me. Well, I am on the first page for "spore crash", "" and "intel robot battle", which must be helping a lot.

Ok, that didn't work.

I've been busy lately. Here's a new post!

The AVRs didn't work. I think I had a bad programmer, but it's a lot of hassle just to make a "hello world" blinking LED, so I needed something easier. I chose PICAXE. Now I only have to wait another half-a-week to actually make something.

I'm getting the programmer replaced, so it (and some ATtiny2313 chips) may be up for sale soon.